
The Book of Revelation Made Easy: You Can Understand Bible Prophecy is unavailable, but you can change that!

With twenty-two chapters of symbolism, mysterious characters, and apocalyptic drama—all told in “picture language” unmatched in the rest of Scripture—the book of Revelation is difficult enough on its own. But in ignoring the Apostle John’s clear directives for interpreting his prophecies, contemporary theologians have wrested Revelation away from its first-century context and perverted its...

than only 1000 (Psa. 84:10)—but not one day more. And surely we would not calculate time gradually causing wear and tear on God as 1000 years becomes one day of God’s time (2 Pet. 3:8), such that 2000 years doubles the impact on him to two days, and so on. None of these statements should be interpreted literally; the figure of 1000 expresses astounding results and remarkable, far-reaching consequences, not exact numerical accounting. The widespread employment of 1000 in Scripture discourages our
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